Top 15 Examination Question And Answer On Education Examination



Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research. Education frequently takes place under the guidance of educators, but learners may also educate themselves. Education can take place in formal or informal settings and any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. Hence, let us consider top 15 examination question and answer on education Examination.


Top 15 Examination Question And Answer On Education Examination


What is Argentina’s literacy rate?

Answer :

The literacy rate for Argentina is 98.1%, as of 2015. Argentina has a 12-year compulsory education system similar to the United States. Because of this mandatory schooling, most citizens of Argentina learn to read and write in Spanish.


What is cognitive learning?

Answer :

Cognitive learning is based on conscious thought and problem-solving. It is the processes that the brain goes through to take action. That is, cognitive learning is different from the subconscious. More specifically, cognitive learning theory has to do with behavior that is influenced by environmental factors or by external or internal stimulus. In cognitive learning theory, an individual will respond to his/her environment by observing, classifying, and forming generalizations about the world. The individual will then learn to behave in certain ways based on those generalizations. A disruption between reality and formed generalizations can cause behavioral problems, such as when a person believes they are overweight regardless of evidence that they are not, and then develops an eating disorder. Cognitive theory can be split into two categories: social cognitive theory and cognitive behavioral theory. Social cognitive theory deals with the relationship between the intrinsic and extrinsic factors, or, more simply, that we learn by watching others. Thus, the theory maintains that observing another person get rewarded for a particular behavior will encourage us to behave in that same way. Cognitive behavioral theory focuses on reversing negative thinking in order to change negative behavior. For example, when dealing with the example given above of a person with an eating disorder, the therapist might have them list all the evidence that they are overweight in order to demonstrate that there really is no evidence for that conclusion.


How do SQ3R reading methods affect our learning memory (short-term and long-term)?


The survey and question steps of this process provide a reference point, or framework, for the mind to take in and process new information. Learning is essentially taking new info and sorting it into already existing categories in order to retrieve the material later. Exactly what we do when we take a test: retrieve the material we need from ‘somewhere’ in our minds. If a learner does the S and Q steps before actually reading the material, it will not be completely ‘new’ and will be much easier to process in the mind. Secondly, the recite and review steps ask the learner to put the material into an existing mental framework – what we mean when we say ‘put it into your own words.’ This helps in both short term and long term recall. This is the same reason that paraphrasing material when we teach it to someone else is effective for learning.


What would a teacher do to explicitly contribute to the climate of the classroom?

Answer :

Teachers often have a wide range of individual discretion in decoration of their classrooms, such as the ability to put in plants, posters, or informational material. The teacher may also be able to arrange desks in a way that best serves the purposes of the class. A teacher also sets and enforces the expectations of conduct in the class. If a teacher allows students to misbehave, the climate will be very different than one where the teacher maintains a sense of discipline and professionalism in the classroom.


Is spatial intelligence a form of nonverbal communication?

Answer :

Spatial intelligence is not the same as nonverbal communication. With most spatial intelligence tasks, you are not communicating with anyone; you are manipulating a three-dimensional image in your own mind and looking at it from all sides and angles. Non-verbal communication is any attempt to send a message to someone else without using words. For example, waving ‘hello’ instead of saying ‘hello’ or nodding instead of saying ‘yes’ would both be examples of nonverbal communication. Spatial intelligence is a way of looking at and manipulating three-dimensional images or objects, such as reading a topographical map, doing tessellations or rotations (geometry), or planning a building.


What is Tier 1 in education?

Answer :

In RTI, Tier 1 means the base level of instruction — the instruction that all students receive without interventions.

Under the Response to Intervention (RTI) model, students and instruction are grouped into tiers. RTI provides a systematic format for using interventions to help students be successful in terms of behavior or academic achievement. Using RTI, teachers track achievement and apply interventions at increasing levels of intensity. Students who do not respond to intervention may be referred for special education testing.


Multiple Intelligence Theory explains that


As Howard Gardner conducted research about learning, he developed the theory of multiple intelligences. Multiple intelligences theory explains that people are ”smart” in different ways. Gardner has identified nine different intelligences: verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial-visual, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist, and existential. Multiple intelligences theory reminds teachers that classroom activities should be diversified so that students can learn in a variety of ways and have options to demonstrate their learning in the ways they know best.


What is receptive language?


Receptive language includes the words that you understand when you hear them or read them. Reading and listening are your two receptive vocabularies. The receptive language also includes gestures that people make when they speak. Speaking and writing are called expressive language because you use them to express your own ideas. Receptive language develops first in children; they learn to understand speech that they hear before they can produce it themselves.


What is the zone of proximal development?

Answer :

The zone of proximal development, which is usually written as ZPD, was described by cognitive psychologist Lev Vygotsky. The ZPD is defined as the difference between what a person can do on their own and what they can accomplish with support, such as scaffolding.


Any tips on studying for a multi-question exam?

Answer :

When studying for multi-question exams, or any type of exam, the key is to ensure that you fully understand the topic(s) that will be covered. Consult your tutor or your teacher for any concepts that are not fully clear to you.

The following is a list of tips that are helpful for all types of exams:

1. Practice taking a sample exam. Get a hold of sample practice tests from textbooks, online sources, peers and even from your teacher if available. It will be better if you will practice taking an exam with a similar question format to the one that you are about to take so you can get a hang of the best approach to take.

2. After finishing a sample exam, take note of your mistakes, and find the reasons you missed those questions. Take note of those topics, and review them again. Then, try the sample exam again without looking at the answers in order to check if you have retained the topic well.

3. Create flashcards for the key points and formulas that will be covered. Focus on those concepts that you have difficulty remembering; you have a better chance of retaining information with this kind of visual memorization technique. When waiting in line or during your commute, review the flashcards.

4. Whenever you can, speak the exam topics out loud; this technique can help you better remember them.

5. Join a study group. Take sample exams together, and orally quiz one another.


What is the relation between psychology and education?

Answer :

Education is the process of individuals receiving knowledge and applying it to teaching others and learning. On the other hand, psychology is the study of human behavior and how an individual functions because of those behaviors. Although they are different in definition, they are both quite similar in terms of understanding the individual so that progress can be made.

In a nutshell, not all individuals learn the same. Depending on how the individual was raised and interacted with the world around him or her, learning can come very easy or difficult. Education tries to understand what the individual knows and tries to build on that knowledge so that the individual goes from concrete ideas to abstract. Psychology can help the instructor understand the individual student so that they can use methods within education to help with the learning process. In relation to education, psychology tests the skills and tactics of the individual and tries to build on those. For example, the individual may be great at using his motor skills but has difficulty understanding abstract questions. Psychology helps the teacher see this and start will little steps so that the individual can go from concrete to abstract ideas.

Also, psychology could help the educator understand behavioral issues. If a student is not learning well because he is acting up in class, teachers can see what is bugging the student outside of class. Maybe the student is not eating enough at home, so his attention span is quite short. When a teacher understands the individual as a unique being and uses the methods within psychology, they can help each student learn.


List and explain briefly the stages of Piaget’s theory of cognition. How should educators use stages 2, 3, and 4 effectively in their classroom?


According to Piaget, the stages of cognitive development are as follows:

  1. Sensorimotor: In this stage, the individual uses their senses and motor skills to explore the world. Also, they come to understand that, although a person or object may be hidden from their view, it still exists in the world.
  2. Preoperational: Individuals begin to understand symbols and how they are used. For example, words represent actual things. This allows individuals to, for example, ”play make-believe,” and later, to learn to read. Individuals are self-centered at this stage.
  3. Concrete operational: Logic is one of the main characteristics of this stage of development. Individuals can now understand beyond symbolic representation, and use logical reasoning to solve problems.
  4. Formal operational: This is the last stage of development, in which individuals now have the capacity to understand abstract ideas. Individuals can now plan ahead, and use strategic thinking to solve much more complex problems.

With regard to classroom teaching, it can be helpful for educators to know these stages so that they can provide students with developmentally appropriate instruction. For example, kindergarteners (who are generally in the late Pre-operational Stage,) cannot grasp abstract ideas while they are just now learning about words. Teachers should also be aware, however, that these stages do not correspond directly with age; individuals of the same age or in the same grade level can be in earlier or later stages of cognitive development than the rest of their peers.


What are effective skills?


Affective skills relate to behaviors and attitudes that students need to learn in order to be effective in their personal and professional lives. Some specific affective skills are being tolerant of the beliefs of others, valuing particular ideas, responding effectively to ideas and people, and acting in a way that is consistent with an accepted belief system.


What do constructivist educators believe about the learning process?


Constructivist educators believe that students should be active and engaged throughout the learning process. The constructivist theory of education sharply contrasts with the more traditional, passive approach where a teacher lectures to note-taking students. Constructivists believe the learning process should be interactive, social, democratic, and student-centered.


What do constructivist educators believe about the learning process?

Answer :

Constructivist educators believe that students should be active and engaged throughout the learning process. The constructivist theory of education sharply contrasts with the more traditional, passive approach where a teacher lectures to note-taking students. Constructivists believe the learning process should be interactive, social, democratic, and student-centered.