List of Scientists and their Inventions

If not for the tireless work of these scientists, the human race would not have attained the peak of advancement it is enjoying currently. here we have some of the most important scientists and inventors who have made the lives of scores of generations a lot easier through their inventions.

Alexander Graham Bell (March 3, 1847 – August 2, 1922)

List of Scientists and their Inventions
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He brought about the first practical telephone following extensive work on elocution and deafness,thereby making it his invention.

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (October 24, 1632 – August 26, 1723)
Invented the microscope. Leeuwenhoek is also considered as the first microbiologist in the world and the father of microbiology

Archimedes (c. 287-212 BC)
The Archimedean Screw was invented by Archimedes. It was used for extracting water out of flooded ships, or from canals for irrigation. Archimedes also discovered the method for determining the volume of irregular objects.

Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 – April 17, 1790)

List of Scientists and their Inventions
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Invented the lightning rod and bifocals, among other inventions. He is also famous as one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

Brahmagupta (c. 597 – 668 AD)

List of Scientists and their Inventions
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Brahmagupta was the first to use zero as a number, although it had been in use before his time as a symbol, representing the order of magnitude of the number in question (7 – 70 – 700 etc.). Consequently, he devised the rules of arithmetic involving zero. Brahmagupta was also the first to note that the product of two negative numbers is a positive number.

Eli Whitney (December 8, 1765 – January 8, 1825)
Eli Whitney Invented the cotton gin, which helped speed up the industrial revolution by a great degree.

Felix Hoffmann (January 21, 1868 – February 8, 1946)
Felix Hoffmann Formulated aspirin and heroin in medically usable forms.

Fritz Pfleumer (March 20, 1881 – August 29, 1945)
Invented the magnetic tape used in audio cassettes.

Galileo Galilei (February 15 1564 – January 8 1642)

List of Scientists and their Inventions
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Invented, among other devices, the telescope and the military compass. Galilei made several crucial astronomical observations (such as Jupiter’s four largest moons, which are called the Galilean moons in his honor), and promoted the Copernican view that the earth revolves around the sun — the latter inviting the wrath of the Church.

Garrett Augustus Morgan (March 4, 1877 – July 27, 1963))
Garrett Augustus Morgan Invented the traffic signal and a version of the gas mask (mainly for firefighters).

Jagadish Chandra Bose (Basu) (November 30, 1858 – November 23, 1937)

List of Scientists and their Inventions
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Invented a device to measure growth in plants called crescograph. Bose invented the crescograph to aid his own research on the effects of external stimuli on the growth of plants. Bose also made pioneering research in the field of radio transmission, and demonstrated the first wireless signaling in the world. Marconi’s future (and patent-yielding) research was aided by Bose, who made his research available to the scientific community instead of rushing off to privatize the invention of the radio.

Johann Philipp Reis (January 7, 1834 – January 14, 1874)

List of Scientists and their Inventions
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The early version of the telephone was invented by Johann Philipp Reis. It only worked on an ‘on/off’ basis, and thus could only convey a steady note when spoken into. It was unable to reproduce articulated speech and was therefore not practical.

John Logie Baird (August 13, 1888 – June 14, 1946)

List of Scientists and their Inventions
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The first practical Television was invented by John Logie Baird. His first design was electromechanical and not a fully electronic. The color television tube was also invented by him.