Development Fund (PTDF) is an Agency of the Federal Government of Nigeria
established by Act No. 25 of 1973 for the purpose of training and educating
Nigerians for its Oil and Gas industry.
The Fund’s Mandate is dedicated to building of
capacities and capabilities in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas industry through the
development of human capacities, institutional capacity development as well as
the promotion of research and acquisition of relevant technologies.
The Petroleum Technology Development
Fund (PTDF), as part of its mandate for building indigenous capacity for the
oil and gas industry in Nigeria runs a capacity building program called: The
PTDF Annual Oil and Gas Research Grant Competition”.
The objective of the Competition is three fold:
To enhance the capacity of locally based
researchers to conduct research relating to oil and gas technology development
To promote the retention of such capacity,
To encourage its application in the industry
Competition is to motivate Nigerians who will have the capacity and ability to
conduct research that will address specific industry needs and facilitate
technological development in Nigeria’s Oil and Gas sector.
A Steering Committee made up of academic
experts, industry experts, policy makers and representat1ves of related
professional bodies with the Executive Secretary of the PTDF as Chairman has
been set up to oversee the competition and ensure that high quality standards
are followed. This is the fifth in the series of this research grant
competition since inception in 2008.
A.) Themes and Sub-Themes
The current exercise shall address the following
Petroleum Exploration and Prospecting of
Inland Basins, Onsho re/S hallow Offshore, Deepwater Niger Delta
Reserves Potential of Inland Sedimentary
Shale Hydrocarbon Reserve System/plays of
Basin Evolution and Bash Modelling
High Pressure/High Temperature (HP/HT)
Challenges in the Niger Delta
Advanced Smart Well Technology and co-mingled
Design of Mechatronics in Offshore System
Flow Assurance
Gas Exploration and Exploitation
Geothermal Energy Resources
Production of Photo-Voltaic Cells from Local
Environmental Management and Protection
Novel Techniques for Remediation
interested persons based on the following research formats/guidelines
Theme/Sub-Theme (to be stated on the cover
Background of the study/introduction
including study relevance especially perceived value to the industry
Literature review, also indicating perceived
gaps and motivation for current study as well as objectives of the study and
the novelty.
Methodology of the proposed study, including
study approach, data collection procedure and availability, data analysis,
model formulation, etc.
Research plans, including a time-based
schedule with key milestones and deliverables
Research budget including justification and
cost breakdown for analyses, research equipment, data gathering and analyses,
research and field assistants/support staff, travel and accommodation,
institutional charges and other consumables etc. In addition, availability of
relevant equipment should be well stated.
Capacity building components of the research
Proposals (inclusive of diagrams, if any)
should not exceed 20 pages with 1.5-line spacing and on Times New Roman, font
size 12.
CVs of researchers and key collaborators
should be attached
Letter of institutional affiliation should
accompany the proposal
Evidence of collaboration and
multi-disciplinary approach will be an advantage.
A select team of resource persons including
academic experts and industry professionals will be constituted to shortlist
the best proposals for invitation to an oral presentation.
Principal researchers of short listed
proposals shall be invited to defend their proposals before a select panel of
experts from academia and industry professionals
Successful proposals will be awarded the
research grant which shall be released to the beneficiaries in installments on
milestone basis.
All Nigerian citizens (resident in Nigeria),
working in academic institutions, companies, other research organizations,
Collaboration with Nigerians resident
overseas is encouraged but the principal researcher should be resident in
How to Apply
Research proposals should reach the below stated
address by post through the address below:
General Manager, (Strategic Planning and
Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF)
PTDF House,
Memorial Drive,
Central Business District,
Email: [email protected]
Application Deadline 18th February,