Login And Register With MMM United In Nigeria

There is now a Fix to Email activation not sent and not able to login to MMM United…

Login to MMM United Nigeria –> Click here (open the link in a new tab)

Enter the captcha correctly and click login
On the login page like this image below..

Don’t enter your email and password since you don’t have a password yet,

Click “Get a new password” under the “Login button”

Don’t click “Get a new password by email”

It will pop out an input box where you input the email you used to register …. The input box is like this image


Click the green button “send request”

Go to your mail box and keep refreshing until you see an email from MMM United


The email contains a link to the password recovery page like this…
Click the “Password recovery” Link in the email

It will take you to a captcha page, enter the correct phrase

Click login

The create password page will be shown
Enter the new password, the password you would like to use to secure your account…


Click save…

That’s easy… You are done..

You can use your Android phone, iPhone, blackberry , Laptop to login to MMM United Personal Office….