One Click To Create A Windows Factory Recovery Partition With AOMEI OneKey Recovery

When using computer, you may come across a situation where your system will boot failure or displayed an Operating system not found error. If you can’t enter in Windows, and you did not have a system backup image, there’s a high possibility that you may lose your data. Also, Windows may become slower or unresponsive due to a severe virus attack or long time use, thus leaving no other option except to perform a system restore, backup is necessary, because it avoids re-installing system.

The fact is that some modern branded PC and Laptop comes with one key recovery program, like Lenovo, Dell, HP, Acre, etc. So if your operating system is corrupt then by pressing the appropriate Key your system will be restored to earlier normal state. For DIY machine, there is also one click backup & recovery software. AOMEI OneKey Recovery is one of them. AOMEI OneKey Recovery can help you to create a factory recovery partition, make system backup, restore backup in case of your system crashes, and use it to restore your computer to the factory default or a previously backed up state. AOMEI OneKey Recovery is good for newbie and lazy man.

AOMEI OneKey Recovery as its name suggests, is a one key Windows recovery tool. It is small and efficient and does exactly what it designs. Open it, you will find the program is extremely user-friendly and hence easy to use. The interface is simple and cool, with no unnecessary buttons or settings. It is so easy to use, click the left “OneKey System Backup” to make system backup image file. The Free edition only supports backing up system to factory partition, so you need to ensure enough free volume on your primary drive for the recovery partition to save into.

One Click To Create A Windows Factory Recovery Partition With AOMEI OneKey Recovery

When restore, for most of the computers, you can press a special keyboard button – “F11” (default) or “A” key when your computer starts up to enter into Windows PE environment, and then automatically active AOMEI OneKey Recovery. For the computers with EFI/UEFI boot, you can enter into the program to restore your system by using Windows Boot Menu. Of course, AOMEI OneKey allows you to configure how to display the boot menu by options.

More About AOMEI OneKey Recovery

AOMEI OneKey Recovery supported operating system are: Windows 10/8.1/8/7/XP/Vista, supported storage devices are: Local disks, External hard disks, Solid state drives(SSD), USB flash drives, etc. Supported disk types are MBR disk, GPT disk and UEFI Boot.

AOMEI OneKey Recovery works to backup and restore your operating system. If you need backup partitions, disks, files and do other complex backup missions, we recommend you to download backup software – AOMEI Backupper.

AOMEI OneKey Recovery has some paid editions. If you want to compress the image file, set encryption for backup, rebrand or customize the GUI, you can try these paid editions according to your needs.