Basic Science Exam Questions for JSS2 Class
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BASIC SCIENCE Examinations questions…BASIC SCIENCE exam questions and answers, are you looking for BASIC SCIENCE examination questions and answers? Here are well organized BASIC SCIENCE examination questions and answers for all JSS1 to JSS3 students….
1. Which of the following is NOT a water pollutant (a)Crude oil (b)sewage (c)fertilizers (d)soil
2. The part of the male reproductive organ that produces millions of sperm cell at a time is called? (a) penis (b) testes (c)scrotum (d) urethra
3. The contamination of our environment with harmful substances is termed (a)sanitation (b)pollution (c)ventilation (c)industrialization
4. All these are ways of preventing diseases except (a)education (b)immunization (c)cleanliness (d)self-medication
5. The state of ill health is also knowas (a)disease (b)immunization (c)sickness (d)wellness
6. The use of drugs for an appropriate purpose but an in proper dosage is called (a)drug
abuse (b)drug misuse (c)drug overdose (d)drug addiction
abuse (b)drug misuse (c)drug overdose (d)drug addiction
7. A way of controlling soil pollution is by (a)bush burning (b)using fertilizers (c)dumping
of refuse on the street (d)recycling non-biodegradable materials
of refuse on the street (d)recycling non-biodegradable materials
8. Which of these is an example of biodegradable soil pollutant? (a)sewage (b)oil spill
(c)plastic (d)rusted metal
(c)plastic (d)rusted metal
9. Which of the following is NOT an example of air pollutants? (a)dust (b)carbon(ii)oxide (c)oxygen (d)sulphur(iV)oxide
10. The process by which parents produce new offspring of their kind is termed (a) Production (b) Reproduction (b)Reproductionn (c) fertilization (d) Immunization
11. Which the following is a component ICT? (a)Calculator (b)Fax machine (c)None of the above (d) Microphone
12. The process of storing, retrieving, manipulatingand transmitting digital data is called (a) Technology (b)Science (c) ICT(c)Telecommunication (d)Computers
13. Joule is the unit of (a)Energy (b)work (c)force(d)Speed
14. The energy of a body due to its positionof rest is called (a0kinetic enegy (b)potential energy (c) work done (d) heat energy
15. Power is defined as (a) the ability to do work (b)work done over time taken (c) the ability to dance (d) the strength of principal
16. The full meaning of HIV is (a) Human immune
deficiency syndrome (b) Acquired immune deficiency virus (c)Human immuno virus
(d) Human immune virus
deficiency syndrome (b) Acquired immune deficiency virus (c)Human immuno virus
(d) Human immune virus
17. The following are example of communicable diseases except (a) syphilis (b)gonorrhea (c) Apollo (d)diabetes
18. The state of ill-health is referred to as (a) disease (b)virus (c) disease vectors (d) virus
19. Chemical substance taking into the body which alternate the body system positively or negatively is (a) Drug abuse (b)drugs (c) marijuana (d) panadol
20. Dark brown chemical substances formed from the remains of dead plants and animal matters years ago in the ground is referred to as (a) petrochemicals (b) crude oil (c) detergent (d) oil
21. The harmful substance that contaminate water bodies
are called (a)pollutants (b)oil spillage (c)effluents (d)sewage
are called (a)pollutants (b)oil spillage (c)effluents (d)sewage
22. Which of the following is not caused by using contaminated water? (a)HIV/AIDS (b)malaria (c)cholera (d)dysentery
23. ——– is anything that has mass and occupies space (a)heat (b)solid (c)matter (d)light
24. ——— change is easily reversible (a)permanent (b)temporary (c)solid change
(d)liquid change
(d)liquid change
25. All living things have (a) life (b) exist as plant (c) move by bending to water and light (d) excrete
1a. What are crude oil
b. List 4 examples of petrochemical products
c.Mention 3 ways of disease transmission
2a. Explain the term air pollution
b.List 4 examples of diseases
c.state three ways of contracting HIV/AIDS
d.What are the effects of drug abuse on youths?
3a. Define the following terms (i)Drug abuse (ii)disease (iii)immunization (iv)water
pollution (v)Air pollution
pollution (v)Air pollution
b.Define ICT and state three uses of ICT in today’s life
c.List five major components of Information and communication technology
d.What is the name of the instrument used for detecting the presence of crude oil
in a particular environment is called
in a particular environment is called
4a. state 4 dangers involved in the wrong use of drugs.
b.What are petrochemicals?
c.list 5 parts of the male reproductive system
d.list two types of reproduction and define one.
5a. List 3 physical changes that occur in girls during puberty.
b.calculate the work done by a boy moves a distance of 40 meter and applied a
force of 10N
force of 10N
c.differentiate between potential energy and kinetic energy
- Electricity is transmitted in Nigeria at a low frequency of ________100HZ B. 50HZ C. 72HZ D. 125HZ
- Electricity transmission station that generates its power through burning natural gas in Nigeria is called _____ A. Oji Kainji C. Afam D. Briggs
- In the diagram below receiving antenna is labeled as ____ A. P Q C. R D. S
- Calculate the pressure required to pump water out from a reservoir of 20 litres when a force of 600N is applied A. 30N/m2 72N/m2
- 22N/m2 D. 215N/m2
- The basic raw material for processing metal is called ________ A. Cast Iron Pig iron C. Iron ore D. Alloy
- Device used for measuring the quantity of electricity consumed in a building is called _____ A. Sockets Earthing unit C. Watt-hour meter D. Distribution box
- The following are wiring tools EXCEPT ____ A. Hammer Cables Screwdriver D. Tester
- The basic raw material for processing metal is called ________ A. Cast iron Pig iron C. Iron ore D. Alloy
- In the production of pig iron the charge that reduces impurities is referred to as ______ A. Flux Coke C. Limestone D. Ore
- The process of converting a metallic ore to metal is called _____
- Vulcanization B. Smelting C. Fluxing D. Oxidize
- The major difference between pig-iron and steel is their ____ content Oxygen B. Limestone C. Carton D. Sulphur
- One of the following is a typical application of a wrought iron A. Spoon Crane hooks C. Engine block D. Zinc
- All of the following are methods of processing a plastic EXCEPT ____ A. Extrusion Calendering C. Plating D. Vacuum forming
- The basic raw material for producing plastics is from _____ A. Latex B.Petroleum C. Ore D. Fillers
- A furnace for baking ceramics is called ____ A. Kiln B.Bellow C. Oven D. Drench
- The following are natural defects on timber EXCEPT ____ A. Knots B.Shakes C. Cross-grains D. Cup
- The wood defects shown above is a good example of a _____ A. Warp B. Shakes C. Cross D. Knots
- What is the percentage moisture content of timber which weights 120gms before drying and 80gms after drying A. 50% B. 92% C. 100% D. 75%
- Wood processing involves the following methods EXCEPT ________A.Felling B. Conversion C. Smelting D. seasoning
- Which of the following is NOT a wood preservative A. Bow B. Creostote C. Sodium D. Phenol
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