Have you ever envisage that humans only have five senses? And yet
explores their environment technically and called it Adventure science.
According to George Bernard Shaw, Science never solves a problem
without creating ten more. In my view, I strongly believe science has to
do with how it’s being communicated, professed and, how it’s being
taught in school.
Undiluted science fact and data do not scare people
but rather it’s fun. However, what top scientists might forget is that
they venture into their fields because of some widespread science
movement in the first place, be it the Apollo missions, Yuri Gagarin
Space exploration or one stirring late afternoon in the middle of a job
position when your friend explained how a tracking device works.
With the above well said, knowing how man’s quest for knowledge is
unending, I have realized that Scientists have become the bearers of the
torch of discovery. My list of Fascinating Science Fact I find so
captivating but skeptical was spurred from the box of Carl Sagan (We
live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in
which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology).
I hope
you do find it interesting, because since science is life, life is
science, driven with the passion to learn and discover more every day
and it’s my deepest hope that something similar happens to you as well.
1. Does Pluto still counts as a planet?
Honestly, to me Pluto is an outlier; I don’t know what you think. Pluto
is considered the tiniest and sometimes referred to as a dwarf planet
(Link1) Pluto used to be a planet, but today it is called a “dwarf
planet, According to NASA. Pluto lost its status as a planet a few years
back, but some people where too narrow-minded to decipher the message
and believe strongly in the nine-planet solar system classical, but if I
may ask, why is Pluto a dwarf planet and no longer counts as a planet?
(link2) According to universe today. Pluto never really fit in with the
rest of the planets. It is far smaller than all of the other rock-strewn
planets. All thanks to the benefit of space traveling; now our
telescopes has grown even better, we started discovering more and more
objects that were comparable to Pluto in dimensions. Should they be
counted as planets, too?
Sincerely, everything would have been fine as long as we didn’t find one
object which is bigger than Pluto. Though, that is exactly what
happened when the prevalent Eris was revealed, so a decision was made.
If Pluto is a planet, so is Eris (and most likely a few others, too),
which means that even if Pluto was still conserved as a planet, the
nine-planet model would still be obsolete. That is why it was relegated
to dwarf planet along with Eris, Ceres, Haumea and Makemake, and it is
highly likely that they are not unaccompanied
2. The average person walks the equivalent of five times around the world in a lifetime
Can somebody tell me this is true; sometimes I hardly have warm sponge
bath and a nice sleep, after thinking a whole lot about science fictions
of this nature, which am being inclined to believe. But science is life
and life is learning. According to research the average temperately
active person takes around 7,500 step/day. If you uphold this daily
average and live until 80 years of age approximately, you’ll have walked
about 216,262,500 steps in your lifespan, so shocking; can you see what
I mean? (link3) Doing the math calculation here.The average person
with the average pace living until 80 will walk a distance of around
110,000 miles. This is the equivalent of walking about 5 times around
the Earth, right on the equator.
3. Life began in a pond or ocean According to the Primordial Soup Theory
Sometimes I am tempted to believe that actually life did originate from
the ocean or pond as a result of simple biochemical reactions. Don’t
giggle, am dam serious. The Primordial Soup theory propose that life
began in a pond or ocean as a result of the mixture of chemicals from
the atmosphere and some form of energy to make amino acids, the
structure and tiny building blocks of proteins, which would then
progress into all the species (Link4) According to Evolution of First
Life without Oparin (Primordial Soup) Theory of Evolution: a Critical
Statistically this is supposed to happen at least 3.8 billion to 3.55
billion years ago. In this model, the rudimentary building blocks of
life came from simple micro molecules which formed in the atmosphere
with the aid of sufficient amount of oxygen. This was then energized by
lightning and the rain from the atmosphere created the “organic soup”.
The leading organisms would have to be simple heterotrophs in order to
survive by overriding and feeding on other organisms for energy before
means of photosynthesis. They would become autotrophs by mutation.
Evidence now opines the first organisms were autotrophs. After series of
negative comments on the primordial soup theory, several Problems were
highlighted with the theory.
4. Do you know that most of your body heat escapes through your head
Science always seems to astonish me completely, I don’t know about you!
Sometimes I wonder why am not in space for some research, to see this
things for myself. But sincerely speaking I do hope to get there,
because I am totally astonished by the wonders of these innovations.
Numerous reasons have been given for this idea about the escape of heat
through our head (such as the lack of fat in your head compared to other
body parts) (link5). Nevertheless, the certainty is that you will lose
just as much heat through your head as you do through the rest of your
body, without accounting for insulation like clothing. After days of
routine analysis and scrutiny, I was able to realize that unless you
have a tendency to wander unclothed through the snow during winters,
your body is not clothed equally. Generally, your head is the only
exposed part of your body which is the simple (and obvious) answer to
why it is colder than the rest of your body. I hope you can now believe
why most of your body heat escapes through your head. If you don’t leave
your comment below.
5. The Less-colorful Goldfish have a 3-second memory
It’s actually astonishing that this theory has wedged around for as long
as it did since it’s substantially easy to contradict (link6) Showing
how Goldfish Do Not Have a Three Second Memory. Funny nature of science,
we still have a lot to do. Experiments performed with
goldfish(Less-colorful carp organism) demonstrated moderate Pavlovian
conditioning. The fish in the experiment would receive food under
certain circumstances (customarily in overtone with another body). After
several instances, it became clear that the fish learned to associate
the two together, showing that their memories last for at least several
6. The word Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis stands for an Illness
Study the word from today till tomorrow,
possibly take a week off from duty and try to pronounce it without
apparently looking and counting the words, you will understand that
science has played a technical trickeries here. According to research
(link7) from Another chapter of science journal,
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis refers to an illness caused by dust from volcano.
Sincerely, I was astonished and simultaneously stunned, with this
honestly, you don’t need an angel to tell you that science is the
gradual discovery of our ignorance, and according to (link8) Carl Sagan ,
hardly does anyone including scientist, knows all about science and
7.The brain is Even more active during sleep than when awake
Even if you were taught that the human brain was the crowning glory of
evolution so far, what will you say? But I think it’s a very poor scheme
or atmosphere for survival. A common misconception is that the human
brain traditionally shutdown during sleep. I honestly do not agree with
that, but loads of my science counterparts strongly ague this to their
bone. During sleeping state, we are very active, said Ruiz. There are
diverse complex metabolic reactions taking place during the night.
According to the (link9) National sleep foundation, sleep is consisting
of four stages and REM; the first two stages are not light and are not
restorative in nature. You’re not going to feel refreshed if you only
hit these two stages at night.
Stages three and four are the deep sleep state. In this state certain
hormones are secreted and there are known as deep sleep hormones. Ruiz
again said, this particular sleep let us feel refreshed in the morning.
REM sleep is the most active sleep according to research, it is the most
active electrical activity pattern in the brain that is always awake
during sleep, Ruiz said convincingly. In succession, there is
communication between the neurons and new synapse that are been created
in the body system particularly, the brain cells. This helps with memory
and concentration mostly when we dream.
8.You can still have an erection once dead
If knowledge can’t put us into trouble, we will never be free. A death
erection (often referred to as “angel lust”) is a postmortem examination
of erection which occurs when a male individual dies vertically or
face-down with the dead body remaining in this position. (link10)
According to published journal showing how there is erection even after
As with any frame, the blood become peaceful and calm at the lowest
point of the body and causes edema or swelling to occur; the
discoloration caused by this is called lividity.
During life, the propelling of blood by the heart ensures a
comparatively uniform circulation around the blood vessels of the human
body. Once this mechanism has ended, only the force of gravity acts upon
the blood. Pure fact!
If an individual dies precipitously such as in a hanging, the blood will
settle down in the legs and pool at the feet. Consequently, the force
acting per unit area will be greatest as the mass and gravity of the
blood pushes down. This causes the blood vessels and tissues in the feet
to swell up to their greatest elastic capacity without over and above
and hold the utmost volume of blood as possible. This outcome occurs
right up the legs although to a smaller degree than the feet and is also
prominent at the waist. The blood which remains in the trunk efforts to
move to a subordinate position due to gravity, and as the blood in the
waist (which cannot move down due to the legs being full) causes the
penis, consisting of erectile tissue, to fill with blood and enlarge.
This is the death erection. As long as the body remains in this position
the effect will continue.
9. The Moon is moving away from the Earth
The space is very vast, in space there is no sound, no gravity, and no
weather. The Moon’s orbit (its spherical pathway around the Earth) is
undeniably getting bigger, at a rate of about 3.8 centimeters per year.
Consequently, every year, the Moon slips a few centimeters away from us,
slowing down our day according to (link11) the reason for the drifting
is that the Moon raises tides on the Earth. Because the side of the
Earth that faces the Moon is closer, it feels a stronger pull of gravity
than the center of the Earth. The portion of the Earth opposite the
Moon feels smaller amount of gravity than the center of the Earth. This
effect stretches the Earth a bit, making it a little bit quadrilateral
or oblong.
It is expected that in 15 billion years, the orbit will stabilize at 1.6
times its present size, and the Earth day will be 55 days long equal to
the time it will take the Moon to orbit the Earth.
According to research, humans share a common ancestor with virtually
everything in the universe, I keep on imagining this. Of all mushrooms
commonly consumed, oyster mushrooms in the genus Pleurotus stand out as
exceptional allies for improving human and environmental health,
according to (link8)Paul Stamets.
But it turns out we’re more closely
related to mushrooms than we used to think. Think of the difference
between sharing a grandfather and sharing a great-great-grandfather.
Astonishingly, mushrooms or burgeons if you like are more closely
related to humans than they are to plants (link9). Just the same way
jellyfish remains immortal.
1. https://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/k-4/stories/what-is-pluto-k4.html
2. http://www.universetoday.com/13573/why-pluto-is-no-longer-a-planet/
3. http://snowbrains.com/brain-post-how-far-does-the-average-human-walk-in-a-lifetime/
4. http://www.researchgate.net/publication/261711320_Evolution_of_First_Life_without_Oparin_%28Primordial_Soup%29_Theory_of_Evolution_a_Critical_Review
5. http://www.livescience.com/34411-body-heat-loss-head.html
6. http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/10/goldfish-do-not-have-a-three-second-memory/
7. http://anotherchapter.livejournal.com/2812.html
8. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/c/carl_sagan.html
9. http://sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/what-happens-when-you-sleep
10. https://books.google.com.ng/books?id=WxoUAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA27&lpg=PA27&dq=journal+showing+how+there+is+erection+after+death&source=bl&ots=9Z30aGUf4Y&sig=1nAw3QvQUpb6l7IPspx4L-Al2NY&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3LxwVaKdAcG5UfWYgpAE&redir_esc=y
11. http://www.universetoday.com/112450/why-is-the-moon-leaving-us/
12. http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/p/paul_stamets.html
13. http://www.botany.wisc.edu/courses/botany_422/Tree_of_Life_back.pdf