I usually imagine how life will be continually without science,inventions and innovations. Technology, according to Wikipedia deals with the collection of techniques, methods or processes used in the
production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives,
such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of
techniques, processes, etc
Polystyrene (Styrofoam) is an inexpensive inert lightweight material
used globally for packaging and insulation. It is clean, pest and
water-resistant, and highly stable. It provides good thermal insulation,
rigidity, and can be molded in almost limitless solid formats or as
expanded foam that may be up to 95% air. It’s used extensively for
single use food containers (e.g., coffee cups, take-out food
containers), for protecting products (e.g., electronic equipment) from
damage during shipping, and thermal insulation of equipment and
Research work currently open :Novel Mechanisms for Utilization of Landfills Challenge
Polystyrene, however, has significant and negative impacts on human and
environmental health during its production, use and disposal. The
environmental impact from its manufacture from fossil fuels is second
only to aluminum (1). Unlike aluminum, polystyrene recycling is
expensive (more than $3,000 per ton) and negatively affected by food
residues. As a consequence less than 1% is recycled. It is a massive
waste disposal problem costing millions of dollars in cleanup; however,
not much of it is actually removed from the environment. It is the main
component of the plastic debris accumulating in oceans and along coasts.
Fourteen million tons of Polystyrene are produced a year; two-thirds of
it go to landfills and the remainder goes into oceans and other
waterways (2).
Market demand for packaging and insulation is increasing globally in a
multitude of industry sectors, especially for lower-impact,
environmentally friendly alternatives that can be reused, recycled or
composted. The specific goal of this challenge is to identify a
commercially-viable technology to replace polystyrene.
If you are accepted to work with the team, you will be working online
with approximately 3-4 other Problem Solvers and one experienced
If you want to work on this challenge please, please click this link to confirm that you are available to focus your mind on this
problem, part time, over the next 60-80 days and that you will be
available for at least 1 or 2 online meetings each week:
If you can supply a technology partner lead or work with the
research team on Replacement for Polystyrene for Packaging and Insulation Challenge, kindly register With idea connection by clicking here