There are two methods of doing so. One is by deleting the codes inside of the Emporio theme responsible for the blurred image. The second method is to add CSS code to hide the blurred background image.
Let proceed with the first method
==> Sign into your blogger dashboard at
==> Go to Theme > Edit HTML.
==> Look for the following codes and delete them.
<b:if cond=’data:view.isSingleItem’>
<b:if cond=’data:widgets.Blog.first.posts.first.featuredImage’>
<b:include data='{ image: data:widgets.Blog.first.posts.first.featuredImage, selector: ".bg-photo" }’ name=’responsiveImageStyle’/>
<div class=’bg-photo-container’>
<div class=’bg-photo’/>
Go to Theme > Edit HTML.
If you choose to only hide the blurred background photo, your first gadget on the sidebar will not be at the top, parallel to the post title. There will be a free space.