Content syndication aids in proper expanding of your blog portfolio (traffic-wise) and it constitute the Key Stratagies to gain massive traffic for new bloggers, which helps you to reach out to a greater audience as it
creates room or an interface where your content can go far beyond your notice,
exposure of your content across the web is certain through content syndication.
Syndication is the act of sharing your articles with a content based website –
this could be automatic or manual – Content Syndication help generate new
traffic for the transmitting site.
Without much emphasis, we are all aware of the importance of Search engine optimization (SEO) techniques for bloggers, SEO is an important tool for enhancing blog growth and Search engine
ranking. This has over a long period become an increasingly important topic
among website owners and online marketers, most notably, content syndication
has become a highly effective strategy for link building, traffic generation…
Links embedded within the syndicated content are typically optimized around
anchor texts that will point an optimized link back to the website that the
content author is trying to promote.
These links tell the algorithms of the search engines that the website being
linked to is an authority for the keyword that is being used as the anchor
text. Writing a search engine optimized article is not a 80-100% guarantee that
your article can come up on Google’s first page. Truthfully, that’s why
everyone are making sure their articles are search engine optimized. But due to
intense and severe competition from similar competitors, this effort may be
hindered and not allow that desire and hard work come true, that is coming up
on Google’s first page.
This is where syndication websites will work harder in achieving result.
Syndicating my articles here on after
publishing them has actually given my blog a good turn-around, search engines
fetch them to their result page – that brings traffic to me.
Syndication websites also have their devoted users, and if these people get
interested in your submitted or shared article, they may hit the headline and
get to your blog –
Content Syndication websites also help you to outranked your rivals by the help
of their high PR and On-page SEO, this helps in getting your articles to Google’s
first page. I know this has been your desire, don’t worry, we are all in the
same shoe. But with this guidelines you should receive and upgrade in your
Search ranking after reading this post.
Furthermore, why I love syndicating my contents is basically because, those who
got to my site from syndication websites and social networks have the habit of
liking, sharing, tweeting, +1ing my articles and every pro- blogger knows how
important shares and likes are to Google’s eyesight.
I have made few list of Syndication site to help you begin, please note the
list is not complete as more will be updated constantly ;
– automatic
– automatic
3. Bizsugar – manual
4. Stumble Upon – manual
– manual
6. Chime
8. TribePro
9. Rebelmouse
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