Basic Technology Examination Question for Junior Secondary School Students (JSS2)
CLASS: JSS2 SUBJECT: Basic Technology TIME: 2 ½HOURS
Instructions: Answer all questions in SECTION A and FIVE questions in SECTION B. marks will be awarded to neatness in draftsmanship . Each question in Section A is followed by four options, choose the correct option for each question and shade the correct answer corresponding to the option you have chosen in your answer sheet.
- Electricity is transmitted in Nigeria at a low frequency of ________
- 100HZ B. 50HZ C. 72HZ D. 125HZ
- Electricity transmission station that generates its power through burning natural gas in Nigeria is called _____ A. Oji Kainji C. Afam D. Briggs
- In the diagram below receiving antenna is labeled as ____ A. P Q C. R D. S
- Calculate the pressure required to pump water out from a reservoir of 20 litres when a force of 600N is applied A. 30N/m2 72N/m2
- 22N/m2 D. 215N/m2
- The basic raw material for processing metal is called ________ A. Cast Iron Pig iron C. Iron ore D. Alloy
- Device used for measuring the quantity of electricity consumed in a building is called _____ A. Sockets Earthing unit C. Watt-hour meter D. Distribution box
- The following are wiring tools EXCEPT ____ A. Hammer Cables
- Screwdriver D. Tester
- The basic raw material for processing metal is called ________ A. Cast iron Pig iron C. Iron ore D. Alloy
- In the production of pig iron the charge that reduces impurities is referred to as ______ A. Flux Coke C. Limestone D. Ore
- The process of converting a metallic ore to metal is called _____
- Vulcanization B. Smelting C. Fluxing D. Oxidize
- The major difference between pig-iron and steel is their ____ content Oxygen B. Limestone C. Carton D. Sulphur
- One of the following is a typical application of a wrought iron A. Spoon Crane hooks C. Engine block D. Zinc
- All of the following are methods of processing a plastic EXCEPT ____ A. Extrusion Calendering C. Plating D. Vacuum forming
- The basic raw material for producing plastics is from _____ A. Latex
- Petroleum C. Ore D. Fillers
- A furnace for baking ceramics is called ____ A. Kiln Bellow
- Oven D. Drench
- The following are natural defects on timber EXCEPT ____ A. Knots
- Shakes C. Cross-grains D. Cup
- The wood defects shown above is a good example of a _____ A. Warp Shakes C. Cross D. Knots
- What is the percentage moisture content of timber which weights 120gms before drying and 80gms after drying A. 50% 92%
- 100% D. 75%
- Wood processing involves the following methods EXCEPT ________
- Felling B. Conversion C. Smelting D. seasoning
- Which of the following is NOT a wood preservative A. Bow
- Creostote C. Sodium D. Phenol
- Which of the following manufactured boards is used for making cupboards Plywood B. Particle board C. Block board D. Fibre board
- The first material gotten out from ore after removing impurities is called ____ A. Steel Pig Iron C. Cast iron D. Wrought
- Methods of processing steel is includes the following EXCEPT ____
- Open hearth B. Electric C. Smelting D. Bessemer
- Which made of metal does Bessemer converter produce A. Pig iron
- Steel C. Wrought iron D. Cast iron
- Materials in which the electrons are not free to move are called
- current B. Insulators C. Resistors D. Conductors
- Reducing the moisture content in a sawn timber is a method known as ____ A. Moisture reduction Seasoning C. Conversion
- Moisture removal
- The group of metal that has no iron content and are not magnetic is called ____ A. Non-ferrous B. Ferrous Alloys D. Ferrous alloy
- A process of drawing without the use of any drawing instrument except pencil only is called _____ A. Perspective Scale C. Freehand D. Isometric
- In the figure below, what is the value of angle B.
- 300 B. 1500 C. 1200 D. 920
- Deciduous trees are identified by one of their following features EXCEPT ____ A. The flowers Broad leaves C. Exposed seeds
- Keep leaves seasonally
- In the figure below, line AO is ____ to line BC. A. Adjacent Inclined C. Perpendicular D. parallel
- Heptagon is bounded by ____ lines A. 10 7 C. 9 D. 6
- Economic activities in technology include the following EXCEPT____
- Transportation B. Communication C. Food Preservation D. Bush burning
- The diagram below is used for ___________
- Boring Driving C. Holding D. Measuring
- A rainboot is an application of what material? A. Ceramics Rubber C. Plastic D. Wood
- The following tools are used for setting out building before construction EXCEPT _____ A. Pegs Belt C. Lines D. Tapes
- The commonly used distribution system in Nigeria is the A. 3 phase 4 – wire Single phase 2-wire C. 3 phase 3 wire D. Single 3 wire
- Identify the most suitable metal for making electric wire A. Bronze
- Copper C. High carbon steel D. Mild steel
- The symbol shown below is ________
- transformer B. Earth C. Capacitor D. Resistor
- Highly developed technology makes use of the following EXCEPT ____ A. Mower ATM machine C. Hoe D. Grinding machine
- The water level in a container above its supply outlet is referred to as _____ A. Height Tank C. Had D. Main
- In the construction below, if radius AB = BC and Q is ________
- 150 B. 300 C. 600 D. 1300
- Ceramics are used as electrical insulation materials because they
- Are not affected by chemical B. Can withstand heavy load C. Are poor concoctors of electricity D. Can easily break
- To ensure safety in filing operation in the workshop, the work piece should be secure with a ______A. Bench stop Plier C. Clamp
- Vice
- A girl drawing water from the well is an example of ________
- Power B. Work C. Energy D. Force
- The diagram above shows the elements of radio communication. The parts labeled X and Y represents _________A. Microphone and receiving aerial Transmitter and speaker C. Radio receiver and transmitting aerial D. Transmitter and radio receiver
- The system that convert voltage from one value to another is referred to as _______ A. insulator Transformer C. Transmission line
- Control panel
- The horizontal force that tends to push a moving object forward is called _______ A. Lift Drag C. Thrust D. Weight
- In a transmitting system, the elements that selects signals and extract information out is referred to as _____ A. Loudspeaker Transmitter C. Receiver D. Microphone
1a. Define the term transmission of electricity
- Enumerate FOUR components of a transmission system and their functions.
2a. What is metal smelting?
- Explain the production of a wrong iron?
3a. Define the term Veneering
- Mention THREE defects on timber that occurs naturally.
4a. Define building technology
- Mention SIX building materials
5a. List four distribution systems used by PHDC to electrical consumers in Nigeria
- Differentiate between surface and conduit wiring
6a. what is Pneumatics
- Describe the principle of flight of an aeroplane.