How To Add Your Website Or Blog To Opera News
Do you want to add your site to opera news? getting featured daily on opera news is not really a difficult task, all you need is proper wisdom ad understanding of how this things works. Clearly speaking, Opera News has become the most popular news app in Africa and by extension the world! The free news app is currently twice as large as Apple News.Some one ask about ways to download and get free photos on the internet and here are Top 5 Websites Where You Can Download Free Stock Photos.
Lets get back to the brass tacks, according to wikipedia, Opera News is an American classical music magazine. It has been published since 1936 by the Metropolitan Opera Guild, a non-profit organization located at Lincoln Center which was founded to engender the appreciation of opera and also support the Metropolitan Opera of New York City.
If opera is your passion then OPERA News is where you ought to be on a daily basis.
Back to the main topic – how you can add your website or blog to opera news?
You must have been seeing a lot of sites you know of in Opera News, and you intend to add yours.
Adding your website or blog to opera mini news feed is a great way of increasing your traffic because your site latest posts will be displayed upon launching the opera mini browser. Before we proceed, here are the few benefits of adding your sites or blog to opera news;
• Every day your site has the potential to receive tons of traffic from different readers and sources online.
• The Popularity of your site is inevitably guaranteed
• Guaranteed Daily readers
• Reliable source of income to website owners and bloggers. Ask me How?
By displaying your site or blog on opera mini news feed, you’ll be paid 50% of revenue made from displaying their products on your site or blog. You’ll be paid once a $100 threshold is reached.
There is currently no application link to adding your blog to Opera News. Application for submission of your blog or website to opera news can only be done via email. You will need to write to them stating that you want to add your site to Opera News.
Your site will be reviewed and you’ll get a reply if it is deemed to be on Opera News. I wrote to this email: [email protected] and got a reply after three days.
With Opera News, your site can gain more popularity with increasing traffic. Now that you have known how to add your blog or website to Opera News, won’t you share it with others?
October 2018/2019 update
If you want to add your website or blog to Opera News, the email is [email protected].
Alternatively, you can get featured on Opera News by doing the following;
Send a mail to this email address >>> [email protected] <<<
• A dedicated opera mini agent will reply your mail after 2 to 3 days with the request to write an appropriate request which will contain your site link for him to forward it to the news feed team
• Reply according to what he requested. Do not write long bruhahahahahaha words, just be brief, simple and straight to the point.
• Send your mail back and keep calm like nothing has happened. In some case, it may take up to 2 weeks for them to review your request and site
• Once approved after the specified time, follow the next instruction there and have your site on opera mini news feed.