Best Computer Safety Tips For Using a Public Computer OR Cyber Cafe With the proliferation of technology in the global world, private ownership of computer – Desktops, laptops, ultrabooks and netbooks, is now common. People own personal computers and manage...
  TOSHIBA is a Japanese multinational company and  headquartered  in Tokyo, Japan. Its services and products include electronic components and materials, power systems, industrial and social infrastructure systems, consumer electronics, household appliances, medical equipment, office equipment, as well as information technology and communications equipment and...
PDF file usually comes with lots of graphics and images, which may make PDF file size quite large. While, large PDFs often bring troubles when we sending PDFs by email but with a size limit, or eat up too...
The WPS Office 2019, a free alternative to the package Microsoft Office, is available from Microsoft Store. The availability of the software is not new, it has been in the store for some time, but its update, that is, the latest version of...
There are so many Apple products you need to know out there. This boils down to what you want to buy and what you want. Apple products are so distinct in terms of appearance. Their products are always on...
If your good looking new Windows 10 PC has begun to lose some of its battery strength, there are ways to put a little pep back in its step. Here are some quick, easy ways to improve its performance...
Benefits of Information and communications technology in agriculture Information and communication technology in agriculture (ICT in agriculture), also known as electronic agriculture, focuses on improving agricultural and rural development through better information and communication processes. Information and communication technologies provide new...
AOMEI Backupper is the second product developed by AOMEI Technology. If you want to keep your data safe while working online or offline as the case may be, you need a backup. The first one is a free partition...
As long as your Mac battery is not on its last legs, there are several ways and tips that can improve your battery life on your Mac. These tips will even help you get a little more time out...
Microsoft Office Online's web applications were presented as alleged "lightweight forms" of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote, enabling clients to work with the tools online through an internet browser rather than on their desktops. Much has changed from that point...